
REKT Utility Blade & EDC Box Cutter

Created by Dapper Design

Simple utilitarian blade, carbon fiber handles, and wharncliffe style blade for opening boxes and packages. Limited quantity.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Reward shipping continues!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 09:37:53 AM

Hey Backers,

Just a quick update to let you know we were able to get an extra set of helping hands this week and have been crushing out a good number shipments. We see that some of you have already received your rewards which is great! 📦

We will continue to work on this phase of the project daily and by next week Thursday we should be all done. Currently, we have printed out approx. 255 shipping labels which is about 35% fulfillment. ✅

235 of which are USA backers via USPS Priority Mail, some UPS Ground, and some USPS First Class.

31 of which are ePacket going to various international destinations.

If you are wondering if you're part of this first batch of shipments, you can log back into your BackerKit Survey and look for an assigned tracking number on there, OR check your email because we also sent tracking numbers to your Kickstarter email address. Be sure to check your SPAM folder and/or do a search for an email from Dapper Design, LLC ([email protected]) or from sender name EPICFORGED.

If you do not see a tracking number in BackerKit or received a tracking number via email, we simply have not gotten to your order yet, but we will! Please continue to hang tight. 🙏

That's all for now. We gotta get back to work! 👩‍🏭

Partial shipment of REKT arrived today! Shipping Phase already started
over 1 year ago – Sat, Sep 10, 2022 at 11:54:45 AM

Hey Backers,

Some good news to share...

A partial shipment of REKT SURVIVORS arrived to us today and we already started to ship out some of the USA backer rewards and dropped them off to our local post office! Although there are some international backers in this batch, we won't be able to get those out to our international consolidator until Monday since they are processed differently. All in all, we were able to send out about 30 to 40 packages (if you only purchased a REKT SURVIVOR and are a USA backer, please check your email for a tracking number, if you don't see one then we haven't gotten to you just yet) and we will continue to do some more packaging later tonight and tomorrow. Unfortunately, we are out of town on Sunday so we won't be able to resume until Tuesday.

The REKT MINIMALISTS are due to arrive in a separate batch of FedEx shipments on Monday or Tuesday. We will then be able to start shipping rewards out again on Wednesday in the order we initially planned and mentioned in a previous backer update.

Initially Planned Shipping Order

1. USPS Priority Mail backers & UPS Ground backers

2. FedEx International backers

3. USPS First Class backers

4. International backers that are in the ePacket Network

5. Everyone else that is international but not in the ePacket Network *Note: These are the HIGH RISK COUNTRIES as we stated in the Kickstarter campaign page under our Shipping Policy section; we cannot refund or reship to these countries if your package is lost or stolen.

For more details please read ALL of our backer updates and especially this one:

With that said, congrats to the few of you who are about to receive your REKT SURVIVOR knives in the mail in just a few days! To everyone else we thank you for your continued patience. We will be back again as soon as we have some REKT MINIMALIST to ship out.

Thank you!

48 Hour Shipping Address LOCK-DOWN notifications sent
over 1 year ago – Fri, Sep 09, 2022 at 11:08:40 AM

Hey Backers,

Just a heads up to let you know that earlier this morning we locked-down the BackerKit Survey for shipping addresses. This means you have 48 hours (this Saturday morning around 9:30AM PST) to make any changes to your shipping addresses within your BackerKit Survey. If you have already answered your survey and your address does not need to be updated or changed, you do not need to do anything! Sit back, relax, and we will automatically LOCK-DOWN your survey and prepare for the shipping phase of the project.

BackerKit Surveys

There are still 60 stragglers and 8 declined credit card backers. If you need to make changes or simply have not answered your BackerKit Survey at all, please visit our BackerKit Survey here: and make sure to pay for any pending payments that are due (e.g. Shipping fees, ADD-ONS, and/or if you had a declined credit card payment please fix it) we just want to make sure everyone has a chance to receive their rewards sooner than later.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send us a private message through Kickstarter.

REKT arriving to us soon

If all goes well with FedEx who is currently handling our first batch of REKT shipments, we hope to begin shipping rewards as early as Wednesday of next week (maybe sooner!) We are staying optimistic and will be back soon with an update as news develop.

Thank you!

Shipping Phase ETA
over 1 year ago – Mon, Sep 05, 2022 at 11:33:22 PM

Hey Backers,

Great news! We believe we can move into the Reward Fulfillment phase (aka Shipping Phase) of this project as early as next week! But before we do that we wanted to take this opportunity to talk about how that is going to work and some expectations.

BackerKit Surveys

If you haven't answered your BackerKit Survey yet, that is going to be the most important next step to prevent delays in shipping your rewards. As of today there are 60 backers who have unanswered surveys. 9 who answered but credit cards declined. We need you to please answer your survey in its entirety and make sure to provide a payment for shipping fees and/or add-ons. It is possible your email invites are in your SPAM folder. Manually retrieve your survey link by simply visiting and enter in your Kickstarter email address. If you used APPLE ID login to access Kickstarter, you will need to send us a private message with a new email address so we can update it for you on BackerKit. BackerKit does not work with APPLE ID login.

Shipping Order

Next week we will begin locking down shipping addresses for completed BackerKit Surveys. This means you will receive an email reminder 48 hours before we actually lock-down and you will not be able to edit your shipping address after this time. After locking down we will begin printing shipping labels and email tracking numbers to you as well as import them into your BackerKit Survey.

We plan to print labels and ship packages in the following order:

1. USPS Priority Mail backers & UPS Ground backers

2. FedEx International backers

3. USPS First Class backers

4. International backers that are in the ePacket Network

5. Everyone else that is international but not in the ePacket Network *Note: These are the HIGH RISK COUNTRIES as we stated in the Kickstarter campaign page under our Shipping Policy section; we cannot refund or reship to these countries if your package is lost or stolen.

Although we are segmenting backers above, this is because international shipments must be prepared differently than domestic shipments. It helps us stay organized and reduces the chances of making mistakes. Just know we are going to do our best to ship out everyone's orders as fast as possible back to back because it does not benefit us to delay this process. We operate out of a very small home office and we are limited on space. Furthermore, the faster we get these in your hands, the faster we can launch our next project. But please bare with us, we are only a 2 person team.

High-Risk Countries

The following information below is copied from our campaign page under the Shipping Policy section:

In our experience after shipping thousands of packages from previous campaigns, there are some countries where packages are at higher risk of getting lost or stolen because they are not part of the ePacket network. These countries are (in alphabetical order):

Austria, Brazil, Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Norway, Philippines, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Ukraine, and United Arab Emirates

*At this time, our international shipping partners have halted shipping to Ukraine or Russia.

If your country is high-risk or is not on ANY of the lists above, we HIGHLY recommend that you consider upgrading by purchasing the FedEx Priority Mail (7 to 10 Business Days; Guaranteed Service) ADD-ON. If you do not upgrade, we will still ship out your order and provide a tracking number but please understand that if your package ends up being lost or stolen (as in your tracking number stops showing movement online for more than 90 days), we will not be able to offer a refund or reship you another package; your pledge would be considered a donation to our company. Please consider purchasing the FedEx Priority Mail ADD-ON or pledge at your own risk.


Many backers have opted to purchase ADD-ONS, thank you for that! We wanted to let you know that if you purchased the removable thumb stud it will most likely be placed inside the retail package (metal box) along with your REKT. All other ADD-ONS may not fit inside the REKT box, so they will be loosely packaged inside the mailing envelop. Please be sure not to throw away your packaging materials right away as we have had ADD-ONS stuck to the inside of the envelop. Please open your packages with care.


If you read our last backer updates, we got covid! We are feeling a lot better today but we still need just a few more days to fully recover. We should be ready to rock and roll next week before we begin the shipping phase. Thanks again for sending thoughts and prayers!

We will be back again soon when we send out the 48 hour Shipping Address LOCK-DOWN emails.

Top secret hidden camera ASSEMBLY footage
over 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 04:05:13 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.